Sunday, June 12, 2011

Video killed the radio star...but not in Wa

My Sunday ended with a guest shot on the show "Practical Science" on Progress Radio 98.1 in Wa.

Progress Radio is kind of like National Public Radio.  Kind of.  To be honest, I don't understand how it works, except that they donate 1/2 hour a week to the Upper West Science Foundation.

"Practical Science" is a program that attempts to educate people on the practical aspects  For example, the science behind the life cycle of the mosquito, helps a person understand how to keep their property so that the number of mosquitos is decreased.  Sometimes they will have a show on preventing strokes or environmental issues and bring in doctors or teachers as guests.

But today JUDY TVIST was the guest. JUDY TVIST FROM THE USA...talking about the importance of science education in the primary schools, how valuable technical education is in the U.S., and how it's key to development in Ghana. And how the church is supporting this through making sure children and especially girls stay in school.  And how we want to know how we can further support the USF with their mission in the region.

George, me and Masodu on the air

If you think, "Hey, Jude looks sweaty!" Right on. The radio station is not air conditioned and has no windows.  It's also insulated with egg cartons.  It was about 100 degrees in there, and I really couldn't gulp that water because I was on the air. I didn't actually see a washroom at Radio Progress either, which I thought about every time I wanted to drink some of that water.

The interview went well, and we even had 7 minutes left for listener call-ins.  I got a call asking me how I felt about President Obama, if I knew where Michael Jordan lived and how I felt about football (soccer) in Ghana. So I told this caller that we were BIG American football fans and did my best "GO BEARS."

Here's our technician, Sylvia:

Go Progress Radio. Go Upper West Science Foundation.  These guys are awesome!

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