Thursday, June 2, 2011

Today, packing is my bag. As Martha Stewart would say, "It's a good thing."

Today was a beautiful day and while it was great to spend some time outside, I experienced a nagging concern about my lack of packing progress, and lack of desire to make progress. Or maybe it was that I finally acknowledged that I'm going to Ghana in 3 days and should get crack a-lackin'. So far, I merely passed by the stacks of store bags laying next to my duffel bag with first aid supplies, trail mix, prescriptions, scrunchy hair thingies and all kinds of what-not, barely understanding that this stuff was mine and I should do something about it.

For some reason, today -- after going for a run and taking in some sunshine and visits with friends -- my focus narrowed on packing.  This sudden burst of packing energy could have come from a panicky wake up last night where I was sure I didn't know where my Yellow Fever certificate was. My subconscious was definitely telling me something.

So off I went with my list to sort through my store bags, duffel bag and backpack with a gadzillion pouches, both zippered and bungee-corded to try to make sense of it all. And to make sure that Yellow Fever certificate was tucked into my passport where it belonged. And to make sure my passport was tucked into my travel wallet where IT belonged. And to make sure my travel wallet was....well, you get the idea.  I am LOW on spacial skills but HIGH on obsessive-compulsive placement of my stuff!

Two hours later, I figured out how to stow a change of clothes, a laptop, a travel towel, inflatable pillow, a Ghana guide book, a digital camera, a "Ghana phone" (more explanation later - I think it deserves its own entry!) and 2 novels in a backpack. Because reading Amish romance novels on a flight to Ghana makes sense, right? Ghanaians will gather around me eagerly waiting for an explanation of what Amish means. Perhaps I should rethink my reading material.

And for those who saw the "before" picture of my duffel bag, here is the much-improved "after" shot!

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